Friday, April 13, 2012

Jace K's Weekend

Teddy and Jace had a very busy Easter weekend!  Thursday after school his Grandma Shay picked him up!  He spent the day playing with his 2nd cousin Donovan!  They had a sleepover at Jace's Grandparents!  Teddy Stayed too.  Friday the 3 went with Jace's Dad to Chuck-E-Cheese!  Teddy and Jace spent the night with Dad!  Saturday morning Mom, Jace, Teddy and Mollie drove to Watertown to see Grandma Rhonda, Grandpa Richard, Uncle David and Dave's girlfriend Carla!  We had a great Easter lunch with Teddy!  He fit right in!!! :)

Thanks for spending the weekend Teddy!
Love Jace

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Zoe's Weekend

Zoe had been anticipating  Teddy's arrival to our home with great excitement!  Zoe went to a birthday party Friday night, but Teddy was too tired so he stayed home.

Saturday was full of excitement.  Teddy played in "the circle" AKA Urban Circle with all the neighbors - Kelly, Afton, Tuba, and many more.  He then became acquainted with his Mother and Father, "Mr. & Mrs. Bear".

They had a good chat and Teddy was excited to see them.

In the afternoon Teddy attended Natalie's 8th Birthday party.  It was a "Proper Tea Party" and everyone wore their best outfits!  Teddy enjoyed himself.  He and Zoe got to stay for a while afterwards and play.

Natalie came over to spend the night with Zoe and Teddy.  They had a "fire pit" in the circle with all the neighbors.  While the adults talked, Teddy and the kids rode scooters and played kick the can.  Teddy even got to look at the moon through a telescope.  You could see some of the craters!

Sunday was April Fools Day and Teddy, Natalie and Zoe awoke to blue and pink pancakes!  Crazy Daddy was playing an April Fools joke!  The day was hot and nice, so we spent a lot of time outside.

Teddy enjoyed his stay and is looking forward to more adventures!